Busting The 4 Most Popular Face Mask Myths

As the latest ‘it’ subject that has us more confused then ever, the myths behind face masks seem to never end, however their truth is constantly evolving. With loads of misinformation being spread on ways to protect your self, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stress the importance of wearing an appropriate mask in public areas, not only to stop you from getting the virus but to prevent you from unknowingly spreading the virus – as many don’t even experience symptoms.


Let’s start busting the 7 most popular face mask myths one by one:


  1. A mask is all you need to protect you from COVID-19

Both surgical and homemade masks cannot fully protect you from coronavirus. The reason behind this is that they are incapable of filtering out tiny viral particles deriving from respiratory droplets that essentially transfer the disease. The truth is that a mask will simply protect others from you and not the other way around.


  1. There’s no need for social distancing if you wear a mask

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the implementation of social distancing measures by staying 1.5m away from other coupled with good hygiene practices and the use of a mask when in public settings. The protective measures are there to work synergistically and not in a pick and choose method; therefore you should stick to minimizing contact with others to what’s absolutely necessary.


  1. You should only wear a surgical or N95 mask

The common myth is that these are the best two masks to wear to fully protect you from the virus, however since these masks are in short supply and should only be in the hands of those at risk, it is important to reserve them for front line workers.


  1. All face masks are reusable

Disposable face masks are exactly what their name says: disposable. Even if you keep them clean they should not be reused and you should also wash hands after disposing them. Alternatively, cloth masks may be reused however under strict guidelines, with careful removal and immediate wash after being used.











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