Messages de nos chirurgiens esthétiques engages dans cette initiative.

Clinique Del Mar

Le 16 mars, tel un couperet, le gouvernement français mettait de la distance entre nous. La France était en confinement.

Ces presque 8 semaines d’arrêt et d’isolement, nous ont certainement permis de nous extraire de notre quotidien et de tenter de répondre à la question essentielle qui nous anime : « quel sens donner à notre métier ? ».

S’il en est une qui revient sans cesse, c’est celle de la sécurité. Comment protéger efficacement nos patients et notre staff ? Protéger du Covid19 par la mise en œuvre de procédures efficaces sans être démesurément contraignantes mais aussi protéger nos patients de l’insuffisance de stérilité et de qualité de nos soins.

Nous sommes heureux de participer au programme de sanitized protocols qui positionne la sécurité des personnes dans un standard optimal et qui place les cliniques qui le suivent à un haut niveau éthique.


Clinique Del Mar,
Antibes, France


“The practice of medicine is a profession as old as humans have occupied the Earth. Its purpose has always been to make lives longer, better or both. Plastic Surgery is a highly skilled derivative of this practice.  It is the utilization of techniques and pharmaceutical products. The introduction of microbes into the treatment equation has always been a challenge, and the current Covid-19 virus presents as a new and, as yet, a more formidable opponent to our success. We are introducing the highest standard of patient care for the purpose of the patient's maximum protection during this time of crisis. We apologize for the inconvenience imposed upon all in our clinics but we feel comfortable this highest level of prevention is the proper course of action for the time being.”


Tom Biggs
Professor of Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


“The non-surgical field will explode over the next years and it is our duty to raise our standards accordingly. This represents a tremendous opportunity for doctors who share the same ethos, to define a new norm in respect to quality and safety. As a plastic surgeon and founder of the SYMMETRIA brand, I intend to keep raising the bar not only in terms of our services but also in regards to health and hygiene protocols to keep all those we care for safe and sound.”


Nikolaos Metaxotos,  MD, PhD
Plastic Surgeon
Founder of SYMMETRIA Medical Center


The coronavirus outbreak has been devastating globally with a high rate of casualties and small businesses shuttering for the foreseeable future. From worrying press conferences to an over extended health service, there has not been a lot of positive news about the pandemic. 

The health and safety of our customers and visitors is of paramount importance and with this in mind, we are following the government.

guidelines on enhanced practices. We have gone a step further to establish a leading presence for the aesthetic medicine and surgery community with the compilation of the project of SANITIZED PROTOCOLS. In the words of Queen Elizabeth II, “ while we have faced challenges before, this one is different. This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavor, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed and that success will belong to everyone of us”.  


Angelica Kavouni
Cosmetic Surgeon
London, UK




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Members of the SANITIZED PROTOCOLS initiative